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  • Cursing in Polish

    February 19, 2025 3 min read

    Cursing In Polish - Polish Swear Words Part 2

    Polish Swear Words PART II 

    You’ve come across our first article on Polish swear words, and you’re wondering… how can you enrich my pool of Polish swear words - even more? We got you! 

    Read on to discover even more Polish curse words!

    Cursing in Polish

    All kidding aside, creativity in which a language is used is what makes each culture equally beautiful. Curse words enrich the Polish language, helping express one’s thoughts and emotions, while showing how people react to different situations. 

    That’s why we had prepared an article with a list of some of the basic Polish swear words

    We say basic - because there are so many Polish curse words to choose from, and the Polish language uses swearing as a creative way of expression. No particular list could do the language the honor of covering all the possible Polish swearing! 

    Before we take a look at more Polish swear words, it’s important to remind you of the fact that you have to be very mindful as to when to use each word. 

    Timing is everything. 

    Not all situations and not all surroundings are okay with swearing. The same goes with people you swear in front of - Babcia and Dziadek included - as swearing can lead to some damaging social effects. 

    Disclaimer aside, let’s take a deep dive into Polish swearing! 

    Polish Curse Word List

    Okay, let’s get more personal. Let’s say you’ve come across a person who deserves your utmost outrage. 

    In Polish, you would use swear words like: 

    • Pizda - synonymous with the English ‘’cunt’’, referring to the female reproductive organ, can be used for people and situations that are believed to be bad, evil, not trustworthy or even a coward; harsh word on the harshness level
    • Cipa or cipka - again, a swear word for the reproductive female organ, but used in connotation of someone being bad or acting ‘’cheaply’’ , or as a derogatory word for females; a semi-harsh word
    • Ciota - same as the above, but coming from the word for ‘’aunt’’
    • Dupa - a swear word and slang used for the behind, often used as a derogatory word for females or bad situations
    • Suka - a synonym for all the above, and a word for female dogs, this is a very strong and harsh derogatory swear word for females
    • Skurwysyn - son of a b*, a strong word for a male acting really badly
    • Skurwiel - a synonym for the above, most closely used for ‘’a motherf*’’
    • Palant - a derogatory word for a male acting stupidly
    • Świnia - a word for a pig and a derogatory word for bad human behavior
    • Pedał - this is a derogatory word for male homosexuals, can be used when someone is acting badly, is not to be trusted
    • Lizus - someone who likes to ‘’suck up’’ 

    As a bonus, here are some verbs to go along: 

    • Szczać - to pi***, to tell lies
    • Rżnąć - to kill, to f* someone, a very strong curse word 

    And as an even bigger bonus, here are some phrases you won’t here nowhere else, but will hear often in Polish surroundings: 

    • Zawracać dupę - a semi-harsh word, meaning to mess about, waste someone’s time, distract someone
    • Po chuja mi to! - a harsh phrase, meaning literally ‘’I need it for my d*’’, but actually - ‘’I don’t need it’’.
    • Psiakrew or psiamorda! - dogs are often used for derogatory references, sometimes as a sound of exclamation, people would say - ‘’dog’s blood!’’, or ‘’dog’s face!’’. 

    Polish Swearing and Its Creativity

    As the Polish language has quite a complex grammar, it is not an easy task to give you universal examples of how and when to use these. The beauty of this complexity is in the creativity of uses. 

    The perfect example is the word we mentioned in Polish Swear Words Part I: ‘’pierdolić’’. 

    With the different use of prefixes, you get a different meaning each time: napierdolić - to make a mess), spierdalać (go away, run away), odpierdolić (go away, f* off)... 

    How’s your Polish swear word education going? Feel ready for more? 

    Check out our article on Polish swear words or check out the item below!

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