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  • Days of the Week in Polish

    October 04, 2021 2 min read

    Days Of The Week In Polish

    Just like Polish months, Polish days of the week have their own Polish names which tend to me complicated to pronounce for non-native speakers. Read on to get to know them.

    Polish Days of the Week

    Wondering how to say Monday in Polish? 

    Well, firstly, note that Polish weekdays consist of 5 working days (dni robocze) and two weekend days (also called - weekend). As Poland is mostly a Catholic country, Sundays are reserved for rest from all work obligations, so don’t be surprised to find most shops and businesses closed for the day. And Monday, just like everywhere else in the Western world, is the first, joyous day of work! 

    Here are the days of the week in Polish:

    1. Monday in Polish is poniedziałek
    2. Tuesday in Polish is wtorek
    3. Wednesday in Polish is środa
    4. Thursday in Polish is czwartek
    5. Friday in Polish is piątek
    6. Saturday in Polish is sobota
    7. Sunay in Polish is niedziela 

    Also, just like months in Polish, the names for Polish days of the week are not capitalized when used in a sentence. 

    Polish Weekday Sayings 

    Slavic cultures have a long tradition of proverbs, interesting phrases and sayings that some even believe to be true. The same goes for days of the week, which are not to be taken lightly, because: 

    • Kto w poniedziałek przepróżnuje, we wtorek nie będzie miał co jeść: who wastes Monday, will have nothing to eat on Tuesday.
    • Ostatni wtorek wskazuje, jaka pogoda w poście panuje: last Tuesday will show what the weather will be like during fasting.
    • Środa minie, tydzień zginie: Wednesday will pass, the week will disappear (as in - this too shall pass).
    • Powiedział Bartek że dziś Tłusty Czwartek, a Bartkowa uwierzyła dobrych pączków nasmażyła: Bartek said that today was Fat Thursday, so his wife believed him and made great donuts! (This is sometimes used to show how someone easily believed in another one’s story).
    • Dobry piątek, na początek: good Friday, to begin with (wishing people luck in the following days)
    • Kto w sobotę pierze, ten się w niedzielę nie ubierze: who does laundry on a Saturday, will have nothing to wear on a Sunday.
    • Sobota - robota: Saturday - workday (as people prepared for their rest on Sunday)
    • Kogut myślał o niedzieli, a w sobotę łeb ucięli: The cock thought about Sunday, but his head got chopped off by Saturday (meaning that you shouldn’t think too ahead). 

    Now that you know all Polish days, you might be thinking how to say have a nice day in Polish?

    Simply say: Miłego dnia! (Nice day!) or Życzę miłego dnia! (I wish you a nice day!).

    If you want to say have a nice weekend in Polish, say - Życzę miłego weekendu! 

    And if you want someone to enjoy their day even more, give them a present from our shop!

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