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  • Months in Polish

    October 04, 2021 2 min read


    Months Of The Year In Polish

    If you are travelling to Poland, knowing the names of months in Polish will come in handy, as they are both written and spoken quite differently from months in English.

    Read on to learn about them! 

    Months of the Year in Polish

    Polish language, although beautiful, is not known for making things easy for those who learn it. Although numerous Germanic and Slavic languages call their months in the same or similar way (as they all derive from Latin names), months in Polish and English are very different. Slavic month names have roots in different native languages and influences of different cultures they came in touch with during the course of time. 

    The Polish year is divided into four seasons: wiosna (spring), lato (summer), jesień (fall), zima (winter). 

    When reading Polish dates, it is important to note that they are written in the form of DD/MM/YY. So if you’re asked to type in your birthday on an official Polish document, this is how you would do it. 

    As for months, they first letters are not capitalized (unless they stand at the beginning of a sentence), and they are, as follows: 

    • January in Polish is styczeń
    • February in Polish is luty
    • March in Polish is marzec
    • April in Polish is kwiecień
    • May in Polish is maj
    • June in Polish is czerwiec
    • July in Polish is lipiec
    • August in Polish is sierpień
    • September in Polish is wrzesień
    • October in Polish is październik
    • November in Polish is listopad
    • December in Polish is grudzień 

    There are numerous children’s rhymes, verses and songs that talk about months, as well as popular sayings. One of them is: ‘’kwiecień, plecień,bo przeplata, trochę zimy trochę lata’’ (talking about how April likes to mix things up - a little bit of summer, a little bit of winter…) 

    Looking at Polish months - when is your birthday? Don’t forget to check out our shop and gift yourself something Polish-ed!

    4 Responses

    Peter Blinn
    Peter Blinn

    January 02, 2024

    I notice most west Slavic languages appear to share Polish’s etymologies for their months, though the Kashubian dialect of Pomeranian differs interestingly in several of its entries. For the record, its twelve months are:

    01: stëcznik (refers to tree cutting time)
    02: gromicznik “Candlemas”
    03: strëmiannik “Month of streams (melting snow)”
    04: łżëkwiôt “Lying flower”
    05: môj
    06: czerwińc “Red” (refers to insect source)
    07: lëpińc “Linden”
    08: zélnik (refers to green plants)
    09: séwnik “Sowing new grains”
    10: rujan “Animal mating”
    11: lëstopadnik “Falling leaves”
    12: gòdnik “Christmas”

    (Pomeranian’s other major dialect, Slovincian, has been extinct since World War I and, unlike Kashubian, simply borrowed the neo-Roman series like English.)

    Melita Bruce
    Melita Bruce

    June 19, 2023

    I speak five languages, Tagalog, English, French, Spanish and Italian in varying degrees of fluency, but Polish to me is extremely challenging. Nothing is faintly familiar.


    January 17, 2023

    Its surprising for me, as a Serbian person learning Polish, how almost everything is understandable for me, I even learned grammar very quickly, but the months were absolutely a great problem for me because in Serbia, we abandoned the old Slavic month names after monarchy ended. So after all, I just wanna say thanks, because now I learned it, and I won’t make a single mistake, Thanks!

    patricia kolski
    patricia kolski

    February 24, 2022

    I guess my parents didn’t talk about the months that much. A bit stuck on pronunciation. Wish I had it phonetically.

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